Session Summary: In this episode of The John Barrett Leadership Podcast, I talk about how true leadership transcends position and […]
Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” As you journey through this content your mind will stretch with examples, tips, and strategies to empower your leadership ability. When you are filled with the content from these posts, your cognitive awareness will become a leadership library archive. You will then be able to access this library in any given situation and know how to lead through it. As your cognitive leadership library increases, it catapults your ability to lead effectively.
This is why leaders are readers; they constantly fill their minds with quotes, stories, experiences, stats, and ideas to level up. Great leadership starts with information, and this information leads to transformation. The transformation begins in them first and then transforms the world around them. If you study the most highly successful people throughout history, a common trait you will find in them is an insatiable obsession with knowledge. It is not surprising that we find them studying their craft at a minimum of an hour a day, if not tremendously more.
Because of this, Speaker Earl Nightingale taught us that to become an expert in any given field, you must spend one hour a day, every day, for five years studying it. Or, as modern day author and psychologist Malcom Gladwell calls it, “The 10,000 Hour Rule.” We cannot improve that which we are unaware of. So to improve, we must first open ourselves up to resources that will ignite our capacity to learn. It is through information that we open the door to transformation.