Why You Need To Be A Controlling Leader
You need to be a controlling leader. Now, I don’t mean controlling others but controlling yourself (sorry for the clickbait, but this is of utmost importance to your success).
Highly successful leaders people don’t allow their environment to dictate their wellbeing; they let their wellbeing dictate their environment. Highly successful leaders don’t say things like, “I am just over this day and ready for it to end.” That statement is an example of someone allowing circumstances to control their wellbeing.
I know we ALL have bad days, and that’s okay, but great leaders do what is necessary to recover quickly. One of my favorite authors, James Allen, said, “Man is made or unmade by himself. By the right choice he ascends. As a being of power, intelligence, and love, and the lord of his own thoughts, he holds the key to every situation.”
You can’t control your circumstances, but you can always control your response to those circumstances, and great leaders strive for that. You have to take responsibility for your thoughts and responses. If you constantly blame others or circumstances for your problems, it’s a sure sign you haven’t dealt with yourself. I am certainly not belittling the very hard situations you may have gone through, and I am not making light of real mental trauma, but we can never move forward while we’re blaming others. We have to keep our thoughts moving forward into a greater future rather than being stuck in the past.
Controlled leaders ensure they have less and less knee-jerk reactions while having more and more thoughtful actions. The more you can control yourself, the greater success you will experience in the long run. If you want immense influence and impact, be calm and collected even in the most challenging times. The calmer you remain, the clearer your thoughts, and the clearer your thoughts, the better decisions you will make.