Mirror Mirror On The Wall Leadership
If you are going to be a great leader you have to start with leading yourself. You have to take a hard look in the mirror and hold yourself accountable. Here is the mantra of a leader…
“Mirror mirror on the wall who should I hold accountable above them all?”
The other day my two boys and I were running around our house as I was chasing them. I was the monster and they were my prey. We had lots of fun screaming and scaring each other, especially when I switched directions on them and kept cutting off their escape route.
One thing I noticed while we were playing was how my youngest son, Henry, who is a little over one years old kept running in whatever direction his weight would shift to. He is just learning how to run and it was so funny to watch him take many detours based on wherever he stumbled towards. Many times I had to grab him and redirect his momentum since he was headed towards a collision with the wall.
I couldn’t help but think this is how our lives go if not intentional. So many times we just go in the direction life takes us without directing ourselves on the right path. My mentor Dr. John C. Maxwell once said, “Most people just accept their life, they don’t lead it.” My youngest son just accepted wherever his feet took him and didn’t know how to stop and reroute his direction, but this lead him to dangerous places. Similarly, if we don’t lead our life in the way it should go we will find ourselves missing opportunity and limiting our potential.
Here are 3 ways you can start to lead your life today:
1) Stop Moving
The first step in taking control of our lives is to stop and reflect first. Many times life is moving a hundred miles an hour and we are caught up in the whirlwind of busyness. We have to stop and assimilate if we are going to start being intentional with our direction. Call a time-out and regroup on what is the priority and what is purposeful. Will Rogers once said, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Take a moment to reset your life and get on the right track. Take some time soon to totally focus on yourself and your future goals.
2) Start Planning
We have all heard the statement if you fail to plan you might as well plan to fail. This statement is truer than you may give it credit. Planning is vital to living successfully. Planning forces us to get intentional and get serious. Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” Winston Churchill similarly observed, “Plans are of little importance, but planning is essential” It’s the process of planning that helps us lead our life. What is your life plan? What do you want to accomplish over the next few years?
3) Keep Checking-In
Life is fluid; it is ever-flowing and changing. Like my son kept switching directions so our lives can easily get knocked off course if not careful. We have to keep ourselves in check by having routine assessments of our lives. Experts tell us that about every 3-4 weeks we need to reset our focus and attention. Personally, I sit down for a few hours at the end of each month and plan out my goals, objectives, and direction for the month ahead. I see where I am on track and where I have gotten off track for whatever reason. This routine keeps me intentionally checking in and resetting my internal compass. Create a systematic check-in with yourself and get committed.