In my book, 5 Ways To Get A Raise I talk about the importance of an organization having a scoreboard. Here are some thoughts from the book:
You have to keep your eye on the scoreboard at all times if you want to be successful. Failing to know where you stand can cause you to become either overconfident or undervalued. If you think you are further ahead than you truly are, you might slack off a bit, when you need to be pushing forward. Conversely, if you think you are too far behind to catch up, you may despair, when you should be gaining momentum. Don’t make the mistake of turning a blind eye to the scoreboard at any point in your life.
The scoreboard tells us how we are doing and what we need to be doing. Just as a sports team adjusts their plays according to the score, we too need to adjust our performance based on the score. How can you know what to do if you don’t know where you stand?
The scoreboard tells us how we are doing and what we need to be doing.
Beware of organizations that do not have a scoreboard in place to measure their employees’ progress. At best, they evaluate their employees at six-month review meetings, only to discover that performance measures should have been put in place months earlier which could have affected certain outcomes. Imagine a team coming into the locker room at half-time and finding out they are 30 points behind. This information would have been beneficial to know during the first half so they could have adjusted their game plan. Great leaders are always pointing to the scoreboard every step of the way.
If you are going to win you have to keep your eyes on the scoreboard. You have to know what the scoreboard is, who’s scoreboard you’re watching, when’s the best time to score points, and where the scoreboard is placed. You can find out more in my book available on Amazon Prime…check it out!