Do You Know This About Your Mind?
Did you know your mind can get stuck into a thought pattern?
That’s right; you can quite literally find yourself digging deeper into the trenches of optimism or pessimism depending on what you allow yourself to dwell on.
The brain is made up of billions of pathways where information travels through at all moments of your day. These pathways are constantly under construction in a term referred to as Neuroplasticity. Basically, your brain is ever-adapting and reinventing itself based on the information it is receiving. As new pathways are used, old ones begin breaking down.
This can be good news or terrible news, depending on what information your brain is currently processing. Environment, experiences, emotions, thoughts, and words have a tremendous impact on our ability to function optimally. What you consistently put into your brain is what begins to form in habitual pathways of activity. This is why we can learn new skills as we continuously practice them. Our old pathway of confusion and chaos begins to break down as we chart a new course of developing the skill. The nature of what you think about and what you say to yourself will literally rewire your brain.
Thus, your thoughts and words will become your new actions and habits over time. What you are communicating to yourself will wire your brain to produce an easy pathway to that result. For example, if you constantly say and believe you aren’t a creative person, you will create that behavior. Your brain will have a hard time being creative because it will flow to the unimaginative pathway you have constructed. Likewise, if you consistently say you don’t have enough resources to get something done, your brain will have difficulty finding the resources to get something done.
This is why we hit mental roadblocks when we are doing something we’ve never done; our brain is trying very hard to construct new pathways. If we give up and surrender to the pressure of negativity, we will stop constructing innovative pathways and start constructing impossibility pathways. The more you think about something, the more your brain digs into that pathway. Like a car keeps spinning its wheels in the ground as it begins to dig a trench deeper and deeper, so our brain will dig deep trenches of thoughts.
So, we must be careful of what we allow our brain to ruminate on, for it will affect our future. The hope is to get stuck in success and optimism as we pursue our goals, not in negativity that will dig us deeper into chaos.
You and/or your team need to know this powerful truth about Neuroplasticity. Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- What negative thoughts am I allowing my mind to dwell on?
- What am I intentionally doing to think the right thoughts?
- What areas of my life am I carving thought trenches in…good & bad?
Here are some questions to ask your team:
- What negative thoughts are we allowing ourselves to dwell on?
- What are we intentionally doing as a team to think the right thoughts?
- What areas of our organization are we carving thought trenches in…good or bad?