Add Value To Become Valuable
Remember, timing is everything when it comes to getting a raise.
You don’t want to ask for a raise before you’ve laid a strong foundation of giving value. Influencers understand that you don’t receive value until you give it. Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, wrote this great insight in the context of building wealth: “Instead of saying to the world, ‘Show me the color of your money and I will show you what I can do,’ reverse the rule and say, ‘Let me show you the color of my service so that I may take a look at the color of your money if you like my service.’” He observed and studied the most highly successful people and realized one of the common denominators was the ability to give more than they received, and as a result of living this way, they received more than they could give. The mindset of highly influential people is totally different from everyone else’s. Here is the difference:
- Highly Influential People: They give something before they expect to receive something.
- Everyone Else: They expect to receive something before they give something.
Never ask for a raise before you’ve given more than you’ve received. Raise your influence more and more, and you’ll raise your value more and more over time. Zig Ziglar said, “When you do more than you get paid for, eventually you’ll be paid for more than you do.” Add value to become valuable.
Great leaders are always advancing to the next level. They never stop challenging themselves to reach new heights. They know the secret to success is the capacity to lead well. In fact, true success is simply an overflow of great leadership. Yet, so many leaders and organizations feel frustratingly stuck. They are striving for success but aren’t gaining any traction into growth. Their solution: work harder. But in doing so, they are just spinning their wheels in the mud.
This is why I wrote my new book 5 WAYS TO GET A RAISE. To help people understand how they can start becoming a highly valuable asset to their company and to those around them. I hope you get a copy so you can continue to raise your influence.
The book is available on Amazon.