3 Things You Need To Accomplish More
“It’s amazing how long it takes to complete something you’re not working on.”
~R.D. Clyde~
Nothing has ever been finished that hasn’t been started. Most people have hundreds of ideas, hopes, and dreams, but few actually get to them. Why do the few accomplish so much? Is it because they are lucky? The stars lined up? Did they happen to be in the right place and the right time? Are they are special and everyone else is not? No, the reality is, it took hard work and dedication. The old statement is true; “You can become an overnight success after years of hard work.”
Everyone wants to do something incredible with their life. Everyone has dreams and aspirations. But most people get caught in the trap of doing nothing. They get “busy” and make excuses. They just don’t have enough time, they don’t have enough money, they don’t have enough knowledge, they don’t have enough skill, etc… Excuses are lies in disguise. They keep us from accomplishing great things in our life. Anyone can come up with an excuse as to why they can’t do something, but it takes someone who REALLY wants to succeed to come up with how they are going to do it. Yoda gave us some great advice when he said, “Do or do not, there is no try.”
What is it that you want to do, but never seems to get done? What is it that you want to accomplish, but keep making excuses as to why you can’t do it? What is holding you back? A year from now you will wish you started that project today. A year from now you will wish you wrote that book. A year from now you will wish you paid your debts. A year from now you will wish you took that vacation. Stop wishing and start doing! Hope is not a strategy, it is an emotion. Don’t hope you get things done, simply get things done.
You will never accomplish your ideas, hopes, and dreams if you are not working on them. Success does not fall in our lap, it is forged with desire, discipline, and determination.
1. Desire
You will never apply yourself and accomplish something if you don’t have a burning desire for it. Don’t force yourself to work on things you have no desire for. I know we have things we have to do, but I am talking about your dreams and goals. Find what your desire is and you will find a fire to get things done. Many times we are not motivated because we haven’t found our desire. Desire is what you think about, what keeps you up at night, what consumes your imagination, what makes your heart sing, what puts a pep in your step. When you find a desire you will find a drive to get things done. The truth is you have not accomplished what you have wanted to accomplish because you haven’t desired to accomplish it enough. If you really wanted to lose weight, you would. If you really wanted to do this or do that, you would. What is it you desire to do that is in your heart to do? You have to narrow that down in order to know what to pursue. Don’t chase a hundred ideas, chase the one you desire most.
“Don’t chase a hundred ideas, chase the one you desire most.”
2. Discipline
You will never get something done just by desire alone. Desire gets you started, but discipline keeps you there. If you and I only worked on the days we felt like it, we would do much, would we? Discipline is about staying on course. How many times have you started a project with desire then faded out over time? Probably many times I am guessing. You have to create disciplined systems to keep yourself from Mission Drift. Create deadlines for yourself, create a plan of action to get your projects done. Discipline is the means to get what you really want even when you don’t want to do the thing necessary to get it. The greatest gap in life is the gap between desire and discipline. The greatest thing that keeps most people from living a life of greatness is the inability to discipline themselves to get things done. Don’t fall in the gap like most people. Successful people are gap jumpers. They are not mystical, special, overly talented people, they simply learn how to jump the gap in life. Do you know what is on the other side of the desire to discipline gap? Success!
“Desire gets you started, but discipline keeps you there.”
3. Determination
Now that we have the desire to get going, the discipline to keep us on track, we have to have the determination to finish. Many things will try to stop us and keep us from accomplishing greatness. Paul Harvey said, “You can always tell when you are on the road to success, as it is uphill all the way.” Don’t let setbacks and obstacles keep you from being determined. You will be faced with opposition and storms, but stay the course. Don’t let self-limiting beliefs about your ability keep you from moving forward. Filmaker George Lucas said, “You have to find something that you love enough to be able to take risks, jump over the hurdles, and break through the brick walls that are always going to be placed in front of you. If you don’t have that kind of feeling for what it is you’re doing, you’ll stop at the first giant hurdle.” Don’ let walls keep you from your dream, break through.